It’s time for you to become obsessed with your life.

Your next level of wealth, impact and incredible success are right here waiting for you when you invest in yourself with Success and High Performance Coaching.

Live Your best life now

The only High Performance coaching program that provides Realtors with the blueprint to become a top agent and design a successful business and life they love. 

The only Success and High Performance coaching programs that provide Realtors with the blueprint to become a top agent and design a successful business and life they love. 

Live your best life now

I’m always working, so why am I still stuck at the same income year after year.

I’m meant for more, but I'm so overwhelmed and don’t know where to start.

I need to show up online more to get more business, but everyone online seems so much more confident than I am.

Imagine always attracting your dream clients and everything you want in life. With coaching, you'll cultivate the confidence to close sales with certainty, position yourself as the undeniable expert in your local market and implement strategies and high performance habits so you can finally see more success in your business and happiness in your life.

High performance coaching will empower you to break through limitations, take bold action, and achieve your next level like never before.

Right now, your mind is probably telling you things like:

Imagine stepping out of your comfort zone and becoming the best version of yourself imaginable. The most successful individuals understand the immense value of investing in personal growth, and that coaching is the answer for incredible success.

Our high performance coaching program is designed to help you become more focused, productive, influential, and ultimately, more successful. Say goodbye to procrastination and hello to unstoppable momentum as you take bold, fearless actions toward your goals.

Discover your full potential 

Imagine a life where comparison no longer distracts you, but instead, you're deeply connected to your vision and purpose. Our coaching will bridge the gap between where you are now and where you dream of being, helping you smash through emotional barriers and design the strategies you need for reinvention.

Double your motivation, supercharge your productivity, and cultivate self-discipline and consistency like never before. Transform your mindset and habits to lead a happier, healthier life while enhancing your influence and strengthening relationships.

I'm Ready for High
Performance Coaching!

With Intentional Momentum you will:

  • Become the CEO of your business. Optimize your systems and processes by implementing KPIs to track your results and workflows to make your business more efficient and effective. Time is your most valuable asset. You can always make more money, but you can’t get your time back.

  • Increase your exposure to consistently generate high-quality leads, confidently communicate your value, and overcome objections to list and sell more real estate.

  • Implement proven strategies and income-generating activities to help Realtors get off the commission roller coaster, create a consistent, reliable income, and maximize profits.

  • Conquer Stress and Overwhelm: Double your motivation, supercharge your productivity, and cultivate self-discipline and consistency like never before. Become more focused, productive, influential, and ultimately, more successful. Learn the insider secrets to master your inner game by staying calm, focused, and in control, no matter how challenging the market.

  • Establish your personal and professional priorities and boundaries to achieve your next level of wealth, impact, and incredible success while working less than 40 hours a week.

Our coaching gives you tools to conquer your mindset and habits for long lasting success. 

>> Develop the unstoppable confidence to shift your thinking and actions to match those of the top 1% agents in real estate and close more sales with certainty while positioning yourself as the undeniable expert in your local market.

>> Stand out in the crowded Real Estate market. Innovative strategies and effective social media techniques to help you generate leads, expand your reach, and grow your business organically.

>>Expand like a pro: Learn the exact steps and systems to hire the right people to build a winning team and scale your business with sustainable success without the growing pains.

>>Implement Strategies and techniques to help you make more money in a smarter and more effective way transforming your business from Burnout to achieving happiness, wealth and freedom.

You've come to the right place. Coaching has changed my life and I know it can change yours too. 

Are you ready to:

I Need Coaching!

Become the best and happiest version of yourself.

Get off the income roller coaster and finally feel financially free.

Reset and transform your mindset.

Gain confidence, clarity, focus, and a strong vision for your future.

Remove the obstacles that are holding you back from living your best life now.

I only take on a very limited number of private coaching clients at a time. Please complete the application to ensure we are a good fit.

Who is High Performance
Coaching for?

This coaching is for you if you're ready to...

Your next level of wealth, impact and incredible success are right here waiting for you on the other side of coaching.

You can always make more money, but you can never make more time. I get it. You’re tired of feeling like you’re always working. You feel like you’re missing out on time with your family and life is passing you by.

It’s time for that to change.

High Performance Coaching accelerates every area of your life, helps you earn more in your career and improve ALL of your relationships. It’s designed to equip you to manage stress better and get you results.

You’ll streamline your business, improve your relationships and become the best, happiest version of yourself.

Experience less stress, fewer distractions, and overwhelm.

Our world-class coaching methodology is rooted in neuroscience and proven human behavior principles. Elite performers like Tony Robbins and Oprah Winfrey leverage this coaching framework for unmatched success.

Time is your most valuable asset, and it's time to take it back.

Why High Performance Coaching?

As one of the elite 1,100 Certified High Performance Coaches in the world, I empower my coaching clients with the same specialized strategies, tools, and resources inspired by the world's highest achievers.

The progress-focused, outcome-based coaching moves you beyond functional to your highest potential, motivating and inspiring you along the way.

Real Estate Methods for Success®  High Performance Coaching will help you learn to better manage stress, streamline your business, and become the best and happiest version of yourself.

Coaching will increase your confidence, improve your productivity, enhance your focus, and increase your earning potential and overall success.

I'm here to help you get clear on your goals and dreams and break through what's holding you back.

I'm ready for Success and High Performance Coaching!

The fastest way to success is to model someone that has already designed the business and lifestyle you're striving for.

Why High Performance Coaching?

As one of the elite 1,100 Certified High Performance Coaches in the world, I empower my coaching clients with the same specialized strategies, tools, and resources inspired by the world's highest achievers.

The progress-focused, outcome-based coaching moves you beyond functional to your highest potential, motivating and inspiring you along the way.

Real Estate Methods for Success™  High Performance Coaching will help you learn to better manage stress, streamline your business, and become the best and happiest version of yourself.

I'm ready for Success and High Performance Coaching!

Coaching will increase your confidence, improve your productivity, enhance your focus, and increase your earning potential and overall success.

I'm here to help you get clear on your goals and dreams and break through what's holding you back.

The most successful people in the world recognize the huge benefit of investing in themselves. Coaching is an investment that will give you a return on your money many times over.

My name is Laura Flood and I’m a Certified High Performance and Success Coach and a licensed broker and Certified Mentor with eXp Realty.

I have over 29 years of experience in Real Estate, have consistently been within the TOP 1% of Realtors in the US, and ranked #2 for Realtors on Social Media in Wisconsin.

I’m a wife and a mom of 2 active children, and I’ve designed and built a happy life and a family-first, very successful business working less than 40 hours a week.

My personal development journey began over 30 years ago and I've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on coaching, courses, education, and high-level masterminds. Coaching has always helped me get to my next level of success.

Many agents enter this competitive industry without the mindset or habits they need to succeed. I know a better way. High Performance Coaching is a proven, science backed curriculum to help you achieve higher levels of success, more energy, and happiness in both your business and life. I believe everyone can have it all, and I can help you get there.

Laura Flood

Broker/CEO, Realtor®
Certified High Performance and Success Coach

To achieve your dreams, you need a coach who will challenge you, support you, and provide a fresh perspective. Let's get real—accountability is the key to unlocking your true potential. Together, we can go further than you ever imagined.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is High Performance Coaching different?

How is High Performance Coaching different?

Most life coaches are trained only to ask the client, “So what are you working on? What’s holding you back? Let’s talk that through.” Unfortunately, this becomes repetitive for the client (and very boring for high-achieving clients).

CHPC is completely different than traditional coaching. The larger outcome, even beyond any goal of the client, is to help the client reach higher performance in all areas of their life. There is a set of specific questions that are followed in each unique session. Each session also has a training component, where the CHPC teaches the client a new habit, tool or concept that furthers their education and growth in that area. In short, there is a curriculum in CHPC, a true roadmap for progress that allows the client to consistently feel that each session is adding value and they're advancing in life, no matter their goal.

What is the time commitment for coaching?

What is the time commitment for coaching?

High Performance Coaching is a series of 12 Sessions. Each session is 60 minutes via Zoom or phone call, whichever you'd prefer. This coaching program is customized to you. Once you sign up, you get a link to book your calls and you have the flexibility to book your 12 sessions.

What type of results can I expect to see with coaching?

What type of results can I expect to see with coaching?

High Performance Coaching is far more encompassing than just helping a client reach one specific goal like an accountability coach might. I find that most clients don’t want to just hit a small set of goals anymore, they want total life transformation and alignment. They want to know they’re just as high performing at home as at work.

I help clients go further than they have before—beyond the norm of their typical results and life experience—and then help them continuously grow and succeed. And to do all this in a healthy way.

A third-party company gathered evaluations from over 70,000 CHPC sessions and found the average client rating to be 9.7 out of 10, the highest-known satisfaction in the coaching industry.

This coaching package also includes access to the Real Estate Methods for Success® Course.

Do you need to be in Real Estate to apply for High Performance Coaching with Laura?

Do you need to be in real estate to apply for High Performance Coaching with Laura?

No. You don't need to be in Real Estate. I coach people in many different industries and even some people that don't work.

Many of my clients are Realtors and they get the added bonus of asking me anything about Real Estate and unlimited access to the Real Estate Methods For Success® Course.

It's time to unlock your full potential, live an extraordinary life, and achieve more success than you've ever believed was possible for you. 

 Real Estate Methods For Success® High Performance Coaching

Get Ready For More Listings, More Closings, and More Success in Real Estate!

What you'll get:
  • Personalized private coaching
  • Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly options available
  • 12 sessions, 60 min Zoom or phone calls
  • Unlimited access to Real Estate Methods For Success® Course, including ALL future updates.
  • Each session has a specific focus and outcome
  • Designed to motive, inspire, and get you results

$3,997.00 USD

I'm ready, sign me up!

I'm ready, sign me up!

Let's hop on a quick call!

Have questions about which course or coaching would be best for you?